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Do we share the same mind?

Title: Do We Share the Same Mind? # Collective intelligence

In this blog, we delve into the question of whether our minds function in similar ways and how gaining that understanding can lead to the transformative power of collective intelligence in our lives . Physically, we think we are unique because we look different; that’s obvious but scientists say that 99.9% of our DNA is the same, so biologically we are very similar.Unleashing collective intelligence: Igniting the power of collaboration.

Psychologically, we feel we are distinct, as each one of us has a different perception. We may speak different languages, come from different cultures, and have different experiences. All these accumulate to make up the contents of our memory that shape our perspective of the world. We identify ourselves with the content of our memory, which is unique, and this creates our sense of individuality.collective intelligence
Behind the scenes, however, despite our apparent differences, do our minds function in the same way, just like our hearts do?
“Memories are the architecture of our identity” – Anon 
Take the example of a couple who are arguing about what they should spend their money on. She may want a new phone and he may want to go on a holiday. Each is attached to their own desire which creates conflict. Each of them thinks that if they get what they want they will be happy so they try to convince each other and end up in an argument. If they explored that more deeply they would realise that the feeling of desire in both of them is the same. It is linked to the anticipation of feeling happy and as soon as they get what they want, the satisfaction ends and they will feel empty again.
If they understood that the nature of desire in both of them is the same, what impact would it have? if we explored any feeling before it occurred, we would realise that the mechanism behind it is the same in all of us. We are all shaped by our past experiences, we all want to be happy and we all get hurt.
Underneath all our different layers of identity, We are all interconnected as human beings, and just as our hearts beat in a similar way, our minds also function in a parallel manner. Watch this video to gain insight into the formation of our identities and how they shape our lives, ultimately contributing to the concept of collective intelligence
Video –
In the background, our minds function in similar ways – just as computers run the same operating system even though they have different contents stored in their memory.
Is the ‘operating system’ the same in all human beings? If we are able to understand that deep down we are the same human being as everyone else, it can be a life-changing discovery as we might feel less lonely. Realising that our minds function in the same way as others, may allow us to accept ourselves as we are and we can live with a sense of peace in the world. It may allow us to understand and accept others as they are, despite their differences and opinions, and we may live with compassion for others and have happier relationships.
This understanding would also allow human beings to come together and explore whether it is possible for us to change deeply, and live with less conflict in our lives. This would make the world a better place. 
To find out more download the HumanWisdom app or visit and explore how it can help you live your best life. 

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