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Why are we educated

The world of knowledge has changed so dramatically in the last 25 years. Now we can have all the knowledge we need at the click of a button. So much information that was once difficult to access, is available to everyone who has an internet connection. # education  For the older generation, owning an encyclopaedia was the ultimate source of knowledge while growing up, and really expensive. Now it’s free. In fact, the problem is the opposite- too much information, and not knowing how to make sense of it. But our education system has not changed. It is still largely rooted in sharing and memorising information, and we are examined on this very narrow ability of the brain. Why is it still important to memorise all this information, when it’s all available at the click of a button? It is still designed to help us get a job, and prepare us for the companies that are looking for workers. We think that earning a living is the most important thing in life. There is one other way in which our education system has not changed. It is still focused on teaching us about the world around us, but not at all about ourselves. We know much more about mathematics and science than about loneliness, fear or the art of happy relationships. Why is that? At HumanWisdom we believe that learning about ourselves is perhaps more important now than ever before, because that allows us to live with joy, and a sense of peace, and be excellent human beings, successful on the inside, and in the world. education Inspiring Growth: Understanding the Significance of Motive Description in Education Empowering Through Education: Unveiling the Significance of Knowledge and Exploring the Depths of Related Content for Lifelong Growth and Success.See # education 

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