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Understanding Me, Understanding You

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”
― Ralph Ellison # Self-Awareness

How does self-awareness contribute to empowering connections? Have you ever wondered, in a quiet moment, why we feel hurt, or lonely, why we feel dissatisfied, or why is happiness so elusive? Have you ever wondered why there is so much conflict in the world, and in our lives?  

To explore these questions we need to look within as self awareness is the first step to discovering wisdom and living with emotional intelligence. We don’t know how to do that because throughout our lives we are taught about the world around us, but not about the world inside us, or our inner space. Why is that? We know much more about mathematics and science than fear, sorrow or the art of being happy. Much of the conflict in our lives and inside us is because of this lack of understanding.

The process of looking within provides a framework in which we can understand ourselves and how our minds function, and in doing so realise that the human mind functions in the same way in all of us. This allows us to comprehend others better, simply by understanding ourselves. It could bring harmony to our lives and to all our relationships.

Watch this short video to understand how self awareness can help us live with a sense of peace:
Exploring Awareness
Take the example of people chatting in a group – If you notice how other people cut each other off mid-sentence because they feel the urge to say something, you could call that awareness. If you notice that tendency in yourself, that is self-awareness. If you explore it further you will find that this is common in all human beings and is linked to the need to express ourselves which makes us feel validated and strengthens the implication of ‘ME’, because they are MY opinions and my stories.
Similarly, if you explore fear you will find that though the cause of fear in each of us may be different, the actual fear we experience, the mechanism behind it and the way it affects our lives is the same in all of us. We can therefore come together to explore our shared human consciousness. We can then ask questions like ‘is it possible to live without fear’ or ‘can we live without conflict in our relationships’, or ‘do we live meaningful lives, or a life dictated by our past influences or our conditioning?’
In understanding ourselves as we are, we can also understand others better, because deep down, we are the same and share the same mind or consciousness. As a result, we can live with wisdom and compassion, cope better with life’s challenges, find peace in our hearts and live in harmony with others and with the earth.
The beauty of this approach is that it is simple and requires no new ideology, no rules to follow, and no authority figure or new belief system. Take the first step and find out for yourself.Self-awareness empowers connections. To find out more visit

To explore self-awareness and learn more ways to be aware in order to live with a sense of peace and live happier lives, download the HumanWisdom app and browse it for free.

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